Opesit sex sleepover
let them fuck each other hard
adamson, du är fanimig min favorit person på hela UM
As long as they don't sleep in the same room and there is at least one adult at home it's ok.
As long as they don't sleep in the same room and there is at least one adult at home it's ok.
the bible condones rape between father and daughter and turning yer wife into a pillar of salt if she turns her back to u
jag skulle aldriig söka efter svar på moraliska frågor i bibeln. elr annan religiös bok.
Lonesome Sparrow:
the bible condones rape between father and daughter and turning yer wife into a pillar of salt if she turns her back to u
I suppose you are referring to Lot and his daughters and Lots wife. When it comes to his wife it was because she looked back at Sodom when it was destroyed, which the Lord had forbidden she was turned into a pillar of salt. And when it comes to Lots daughters, it was they who seduced him when he was drunk so that they could get pregnant, since there were no other men around, not the other way around.
Om pojkarna är kastrerade är det ok.
I suppose you are referring to Lot and his daughters and Lots wife. When it comes to his wife it was because she looked back at Sodom when it was destroyed, which the Lord had forbidden she was turned into a pillar of salt. And when it comes to Lots daughters, it was they who seduced him when he was drunk so that they could get pregnant, since there were no other men around, not the other way around.
So would you rape a child if she seduced you?
So would you rape a child if she seduced you?
Of course not, but first of all: Lots daughters were no children. They were grown-up women. Second of all: Lot didn't rape anyone. He was drunk and couldn't make resistance. His daughters were the ones that committed the rape.
Of course not, but first of all: Lots daughters were no children. They were grown-up women. Second of all: Lot didn't rape anyone. He was drunk and couldn't make resistance. His daughters were the ones that committed the rape.
How did he get an erection if he was that drunk?
How did he get an erection if he was that drunk?
We are not given all the details but you do know that a man can get involuntary erections, don't you?