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Är engelskan korrekt?

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Är engelskan korrekt? Skulle ni vilja ändra något i citatet?

Everyone can do well on their good days, the goal is to do it even on the bad ones.


det är bra!

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Har ändrat mig lite, oxc undrar vilken av dessa två ni skulle använt:

Everyone can perform well on their good days, the goal is to do it even on the bad ones.

Everyone can perform well on their good days, the goal is to do it also on the bad ones.


"Everyone can perform well on their good days, the goal is to do it even on the bad ones." 
Denna är helt korrekt enligt mig.

Vill du däremot säga 
"Everyone can perform well on their good days, the goal is to do it also on the bad ones."
SÅ måste du skriva 
"Everyone can perform well on their good days, the goal is to also do it on the bad ones."


”Everyone can perform well on their good days, the goal is to do it on the bad ones too. “


Jag skull skriva
"Everyone can perform well on their good days, however the goal is to perform well on their bad ones aswell."
men det kanske är jag det, för som du vill. Det är rätt grammatiskt sätt iaf.
