Vet någon hur det kommer sig att låtar med Block Party som:
"Positive Tension" inte finns på spotify? Det är en låt på deras första skiva, det står bara att den inte är tillgänglig i Sverige?
Hur kommer det sig?
sant, brukade youtube:a d låtar som inte fanns
Därför att Spotify inte fått rättigheterna att distribuera de låtarna.
Därför att Spotify inte fått rättigheterna att distribuera de låtarna.
Fast, en låt? Asså ibland är det bara konstigt.
Fick detta som svar från spotify.
Hi *namn*
Sorry to hear your having a problem with this.
In the copyright jungle, music rights are often divided among many different right holders in different geographical territories. That is, an artist may have licensed his or her music worldwide, except for UK, using a large record label that we have an agreement with. However, the artist may have licensed his or her music to a small label in UK that we do not have an agreement with, resulting in that Spotify has the music in all countries except UK until we have signed with that specific label
In other cases, one record label has the rights to a certain artist in all countries, but choose not to launch that artist in all countries. We’re constantly trying to get our content providers to diverge from these types of territorial restrictions and hope to have all music available in all countries.
If there is anythings else we can do to help you or enjoy the service more please dont hesitate to ask.
Many Thanks
Best wishes,
Spotify Customer Services"