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They don't fly our flag or speak the language
They take our jobs and they don't pay taxes
It's an act of war when they cross the border
So pledge allegiance or be deported.

The evil has landed, we gotta fight back
The border patrol will take care of that
The evil has landed, we gotta fight back
close the borders to the immigrant attack

They set up shop and sell their
drugs and their murders
while they stand in live to have welfare serve them
They don't join the nation, they try to divide her
They take from the pockets of their only providers

They storm the cities and bring
their proverty and disease
and blame the nation not the land from where they came
It's not give and take, they're taking over
It's time for the white man to stand together

Parasites are holding the country
with affirmative action they know they've got us
We built the nation that they want to take away
They undermine the culture of the home of the brave


Här var de hi och här var det hå. Här var det glada älgar.


Jag är en skitfarlig bitch från gubbängen.


I think I've found a way now
a way to handle all this shit


Tror du vi kan ropa efter nån med förstånd
Som kan se vad vi gör och förstå vad vi menar
Jag tror du söker efter mer än du ser
Men jag ser att du ler och jag tror att du tvivlar

Vart jag mig i världen vänder står jag här med tomma händer
Längtar efter något som kan rädda mig


put your label on me


"Just tonight I won't leave, and I'll lie and you'll believe"


Oh yeah; I've got a weapon of mass destruction';
Parked in the back and it's a vessel of gas consumption.


you're smart


In the video that they found at the home of Abdel Madi Shabneh
He held a Kalashnikov rifle and he spoke with a voice like a boy
He was an excellent student, he studied so hard, it was as if he had a future
He told his mother that he had a test that day out along the road to peace


"I strangled out the pain until my soul was empty was cold
Crippled and worthless, so I thought that it could never be sold
My mother told me that placing my faith in God was the answer
But then I hated God cause he gave my mother cancer
Killing us slow like the Feds did to the Blank Panthers


Let us disagree, cause wrong was made for you to be.


"So I'm just burning all around.
All the miles in the road.
And I'm never going back.
And I'm never going home.
I've been gone too long.
I've been less right than wrong.
I've lost so much blood in the falling out.


Solen går ner över taken och klockorna slår
En konstig dag, med ett konstigt ljus
Jag går mitt i vägen, det luktar som vår
Det droppar av snö ifrån träd och hus
Kom inte för nära, du vet hur det går
Jag ser vart du längtar, o du ser hur jag mår
Inget vidare rus
Jag försöker få in alla ord som du sa
Men du vet hur dom smakar
Det är nånting skumt med stan just idag
Det är nånting som knakar


Att säga en miljon nollor
Tillsammans kan dom aldrig bli en
Hur man än lägger ihop det får man bara en miljon idioter
En miljon nollor kommer aldrig leva som en
Om vi inte vaknar upp ur drömmen
För bara döda fiskar går med strömmen
