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ennie: does homo still seem normal?

Majoriteten av människorna på denna planet lever eller samspelar inte i naturen, vi gör mycket som inte är normalt för vår art.

Homosexualitet är inte bara mänskligt, många djurarter har visat sig ha homosexuella individer

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S3ON: Finns det fler bögar nu än förut, eller lotsades de vara heterosexuella för att det var oacceptabelt att vara bög.. Hmm.

If adultery is only bad because of broken commitment to third person,
than it becomes ok if you convince the third person (the wife) that it's
ok? No, it still remains wrong. Just like that, you can try convincing
society (Like in america) that being gay is ok, but it still remains

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superpojken: Homosexualitet är inte bara mänskligt, många djurarter har visat sig ha homosexuella individer

Wow...the day has come..humans look to animals to justify
their behavior. Why dont we start killing each other like animals too?
Why dont we start behaving like animals too? Why don't we blindly follow
lusts like animals too? God gave u the ability to think and see
between right and wrong, dont offend that ability and blindly follow
whatever lust u get.

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d står i bibeln

Hmm, makes sense iaf. 

ennie: If adultery is only bad because of broken commitment to third person, than it becomes ok if you convince the third person (the wife) that it's ok? No, it still remains wrong. Just like that, you can try convincing society (Like in america) that being gay is ok, but it still remains wrong.

Aa, är man bög ska man få lov att leva ut som bög ofc. 


ennie: God


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Aa, är man bög ska man få lov att leva ut som bög ofc. 

if u want to show somethings wrong, u have to show people why
it's wrong. If people feel disgusted by it amongst others, and would be
ashamed of it , than chances are it is wrong. In private they want to
feel 'ok' to practice these lusts, but if they told anyone they would be
disgusted. Because its wrong and something only someone who is
overcome by lust would do.



Wow...the day has come..humans look to animals to justify
their behavior. Why dont we start killing each other like animals too?
Why dont we start behaving like animals too? Why don't we blindly follow
lusts like animals too? God gave u the ability to think and see
between right and wrong, dont offend that ability and blindly follow
whatever lust u get.

Vi dödar faktiskt redan medmänniskor och djur, brukar dock inte se många djur som dödar andra av samma art.

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Even america considered gays/homosexuality a mental disease
until 50 years ago, they have just given up to their sick desires
because their morality is all but gone. Anything someone desires
sexually in america, must be made legal according to them. Sooner or
later they'll legalize pedophiia, rape, and all kinds of other filth
just because the people 'desire' it and they can't help their desires.
Just because u want something doesn't make it ok. There r many evil
desires we must overcome.

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Vi dödar faktiskt redan medmänniskor och djur, brukar dock inte se många djur som dödar andra av samma art.

Tror han i vidon är homosexuel.Men skäms över de.

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if u want to show somethings wrong, u have to show people why
it's wrong. If people feel disgusted by it amongst others, and would be
ashamed of it , than chances are it is wrong. In private they want to
feel 'ok' to practice these lusts, but if they told anyone they would be
disgusted. Because its wrong and something only someone who is
overcome by lust would do.

Snart haru enough material för att skriva en hel låtjävel! Cool

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sluta göra så ja gillar dig:$

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sluta göra så ja gillar dig:$


