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United Nations Regional Head Office - Africa.
United Nations Funds Assisted Program,
Directorate of International Payment.

Attention: Beneficiary,

In regards to the recent meeting between the United Nations and the
Present United States Government to restore the dignity and Economy of the
Nations. Base on the Agreement with the World Bank Assistance to help and
make the world a better place for all with the sole aim of abolishing

You may not understand why this message came to you. We have been having a
meeting for the past 7 months which just ended few days ago with the
secretary to the UNITED NATIONS.

This message is to all the people that have been victim in any part of the
world, the UNITED NATIONS IN Affiliation with WORLD BANK have agreed to
compensate you with the sum of $2,500, 000.00 Million Dollars: , for self
support.This is regarding the draws he organized before he left the office
to help individuals to own a self charity organization also for your to
build your Personal Company/organization so as to help the less privileged
in there society due to the financial crisis.

This includes every foreign contractors that may have not received their
contract, inheritance & lotto sum, and people that have had an unfinished
transaction or international business that failed due to Government
problems etc. We found your name in the list of those who are to benefit
from these compensation exercise and that is why we are contacting you,
this have been agreed upon and have been signed.

You are advised to contact Dr.Emmanuel Martin of Apex Express Courier
Delivery Company Benin Republic, as he is our representative in Benin,
contact him immediately for your International Bank Draft of $2,500,
000.00 Million Dollars. This funds are in a Bank Draft for security
purpose, so he will send it to you and you can clear it in any bank of
your choice.

Make Sure you provide him with the following information as soon as you
receive this message for their immediate action .

1,Your full Name.
2,Your Address where your payment will be dispatch to you:.
3,Home telephone number/Cell Phone:.
4,A Scan Copy Of Identity Card Or Drivers License to avoid wrong delivery:
5,Your Occupation:
6:Your Age:

Contact him now and inform him that you received an email from the UNITED
NATIONS,instructing you to call him for immediate release of your Bank
Draft of USD$2,500, 000.00 and forward your details to Dr.Emmanuel Martin
immediately for your Bank Draft at the given address below:

United Nation Dispatching Officer:
Company's Name ;Apex Express Courier Delivery Company Benin Republic.
Contact person: Dr.Emmanuel Martin .

I apologize on behalf of my organization for any delay you might have
encountered in receiving your fund in the past.

Thanks and God bless you and your family.

Hoping to hear from you as soon as you cash your Bank Draft.
Making the world a better place.

Keith Armstrong.
(For)United Nations Secretary-General
Dr.Ban Ki-Moon.


E-post eller PM?


My dreams are her:
E-post eller PM?

PM Galen


Fick också. Ca första gången jag fått ettt sånt där massutskickat pm.


Fick också. Ca första gången jag fått ettt sånt där massutskickat pm.

Hjärta hur känns det att vara en del i denna kollektiva erfarenhet? 



Hjärta hur känns det att vara en del i denna kollektiva erfarenhet? 

Hade hoppats på något mer spännande pm 🙁


kulturmarxisten: PM

Länka användaren det är förmodligen en bot.


Ja. Fick också. Gillar tanken av att få 2.500. USD (2.500.000 million USD). I dagsläget runt 16 500 biljoner SEK. Hjärta


Ja. Fick också. Gillar tanken av att få 2.500. USD (2.500.000 million USD). I dagsläget runt 16 500 biljoner SEK. Hjärta

Ahh men vad ska vi göra med 16500 biljoner SEK x 2 ? Rodnar


jag också. svarade att jag förstår hans begär efter att skyffla pengar över mig, men ifall han vill bli min sugardaddy är det helt ok. bara säg det.


jag är alltid intresserad av att bli mångmiljonär utan ansträngning liksom



Ahh men vad ska vi göra med 16500 biljoner SEK x 2 ? Rodnar



jag med, har länge insisterat på att fn ska skicka ut sina kungörelser via pm på um, och nu har jag äntligen fått min vilja igenom.

ursprungligen så var summan som skulle ges bort per person avsevärt mycket lägre, men på grund av det begränsade antalet potentiella mottagare av kungörelsen blev det två och en halv miljoner dollar. ändock väl spenderade pengar.


Jag med! Skriver med denna person just nu..^^




makthungrig du är då sötis Rodnar
