Till att börja med: Min förra tråd blev stängd för att den ''kränkte'' homosexuella. Kan bara säga det att det inte är syftet. Syftet är att DISKUTERA, inte att kränka. Hur ska man ens ha en diskussion om moral, etik och vetenskap om man inte ens får DISKUTERA det? Så länge det görs på ett konstruktivt sätt ser jag inget fel i det! Det verkar som att en del här inte vågar ta diskussionen och därför stängdes min tråd eller att jag anklagas för att trolla. Jag anklagar INGEN homosexuell! Jag tycker INTE att det är rätt att kränka eller skada folk pga av sexuell läggning. Jag är bara ute efter att DISKUTERA på ett konstruktivt sätt de argument som talar EMOT homosexualitet. För er som kommer med personangrepp, anklagar mig för att ''trolla'', skriv då inte i tråden.
I min förra tråd gav jag endast ETT bevis. Jag utelämnade fler bevis för enkelhetens skull. Men nu samlar jag ihop en del av mitt research. Ni som tar illa upp, lämna tråden, för att ni kommer nu att förändra er uppfattning om homosexualitet. Eller ni kommer i alla fall att få er en tankeställare.
Vi börja med de mindre komplexa enkla argumenten:
Man och kvinna är ämnade för varandra! Inte man och man eller kvinna och kvinna.
Om det var det var sant så skulle alla människor dö ut. En kvinna kräver en man för att få barn och en man kräver en kvinna för att få barn! Jag är för liv inte EMOT liv.
Homosexuella ungdomar är överrepresenterade i självmordstatistiken och tillhör en av de grupper som mår mest psykiskt dåligt. Homosexualitet leder alltså till psykisk ohälsa. Ett oskyldigt barn har dessutom RÄTT till en mor och en far!
Homosexuella sprider sjukdomar. Speciellt män. När de ger blod till andra riskerar de att sprida smittan vidare.
Män som kysser andra män, kvinnor som kysser kvinnor. Män som har sex och kysser varandra kan och är för många extremt frånstötande och äckligt.
Barn måste ha en mamma och pappa. Inte pappa och pappa eller en mamma och en mamma. Det finns experiment som visar att barn behöver fysisk kontakt annars dör de. Om de föds upp av homosexuella par kan de skadas för livet.
Ett barn som växer upp med homosexuella föräldrar riskerar att bli homosexuell själv. På lång sikt är det inte bra speciellt inte med tanke på allt annat negativt som det medför.
Homosexuella är oftast pedofiler. Att ’’tillåta’’ homosexualitet är att se mellan fingrarna och skapa öppna dörrar för pedofili. Jag säger inte att alla homsexuella är pedofiler men MÅNGA är det.
Om vi accepterar homosexualitet och bara ser det som kärlek var drar vi då gränsen? Är pedofili också rätt (om barnet är med på det) eftersom det bara handlar om kärlek? Ska vi få gifta oss med djur, släktingar, eller hela grupper av människor?
En del anser att alla ska ha lika rättigheter. Homosexualitet går inte att jämföra med olika etniciteter osv. Därför oavsett om mannen är svart, vit, eller gul, rik eller fattig, lång eller kort, så kan han fortfarande gifta sig med en kvinna. Men homosexuelt äktenskap är något helt annat som bryter mot naturlagen.
Det blir också en dogm. Något man inte får ifrågasätta. Staten styr och ställer och lär ut det i skolor och bestraffar den som säger emot. Människor som inte vill bli påverkade blir påtvingade.
Att många tror att homosexualitet är något friskt och naturligt är en missuppfattning. Varför denna missuppfattning har fått en så stark ställning i vårt samhälle förklarar jag i ett annat inlägg. Detta inlägg handlar om bevis för att homosexualitet är patologisk till sin natur.
Det lönar sig att först läsa varför homosexualitet inte är med i WHO:s lista över sjukdomar och störningar. Det hjälper att förstå bakgrunden till friskt-eller-sjukt problematiken.
Och nu till saken: Vad är det som bevisar att homosexualitet är patologisk? Att de inte är friska egentligen, alla våra homisar och flatisar.
(OBS: Trots att jag själv är homo skriver jag "de". Min mångåriga erfarenhet av upplysningsarbete har lärt mig att det är fel att säga "vi" i dessa sammanhang. Det skapar fel fokus och leder uppmärksamheten och tankarna i fel riktning, läsare/lyssnare har svårare att begripa innebörden av mina ord. Därför skriver jag "de", men kom ihåg: jag är också homosexuell och sticker inte under stol med det.)
Jag ber om ursäkt för att jag använder lekmannatermer. Det gör jag för att mina läsare är vanliga människor, också för att jag själv är ingen mediker eller forskare utan återberättar det jag lärt mig från diverse forskningsmaterial och andra primära källor, och i samtal med forskare och läkare. Jag använder alltid endast primära källor - de flesta finns tyvärr inte på nätet, därav så få länkar.
Till att börja med, en liten klargörelse vad gäller definitioner. Homosexualitet kan definieras på olika sätt:
a) sexuell dragning till individer av samma kön, enligt Nationalencyklopedin,
b) sexuell attraktion eller kärlek till en person av samma kön, sexuellt beteende mellan organismer av samma kön eller en sexuell preferens för en organism av samma kön, enligt svenska Wikipedia
(kul att notera skillnaden mellan den än så länge strikt vetenskapliga och neutrala NE och den av homolobbyn hårt tyglade Wiki)
Jag själv, efter att ha pratat med oberoende forskare, har kommit fram till följande definition:
Homosexualitet är en variation av sexualitet som karaktäriseras av organismens preferens till individer av samma kön; i sin tur definieras sexualitet som en beståndsdel av organismens fortplantningsfunktion.
Det finns i dagsläget tre olika sätt att bevisa att homosexualitet är ohälsosam.
1. En sexualitet som inte uppfyller sin funktion
Människans kropp har en mängd funktioner (blodcirkulation, andning, matsmältning, sinnen m fl) som var och en bör fungera och tjäna sitt syfte, annars vad är meningen med att de finns? Vetenskapligt talat handlar det om definitionen av levande organism och vilka kriterier måste vara uppfyllda:
Observera hur viktig fortplantningsfunktionen är!
Fortplantningsfunktionen hos däggdjur, inkl människan, inbegriper sexualitet, den är nödvändig för befruktning. Och detta är sexualitetens enda syfte - att spela roll i fortplantningsprocessen.
Så säger vetenskapen:
"The purpose of sexuality is an organism is to transfer the genetic material from one individual to another and form new genetic combination in the offspring."
(A K Chatterji, Introduction to Environmental Biotechnology, Prentice Hall, 2002)
Det är naturen som tilldelat sexualiteten detta syfte oberoende av sociala sammanhang, individuella åsikter, samhällets modeattityder eller politiska intriger. Syftet med sexualitet är att bistå vid fortplantning, punkt. Något annat biologiskt syfte har vetenskap aldrig upptäckt.
Homosexualitet tjänar inte detta syfte. När en kroppsfunktion eller dess beståndsdel inte tjänar sitt syfte är detta ett tecken på något patologiskt i kroppen. Öra som inte hör, öga som inte ser, hjärta som inte slår, matsmältningssystem som inte smälter maten - tycker du att det kan vara så i en fullkomligt frisk organism? Nej, det kan inte vara så. När en funktion inte funkar är det ett tecken på att något är fel i organismen.
Om vi föreställer oss en fullkomligt sund frisk organism som inte kan reproducera p g a sin homosexualitet, vad är då orsaken till att fortplantningsfunktionen inte fungerar som den skall och sexualiteten inte uppfyller sitt syfte? Orsaken är homosexualiteten. Det är denna avvikelse som är felet. Patologisk avvikelse på vetenskapsspråket heter störning.
2. Homosexualitet förorsakar fysiska skador på kroppen
Här använder jag två källor: svenska Folkhälsoinstitutets senaste rapport om homosexuellas hälsa ( http://www.fhi.se/PageFiles/6802/a200519-uppdraghbt-0512.pdf ) och följande sammanställning från Callistos betraktelser (en annars föga intressant pro-RFSL blogg; poängen med att använda den som källa är just att bloggen är mycket pro-RFSL, skriven av en person som tillhör skaran homolobbyns rabiataste propagandister; nu kan ingen kritisera mig för att jag tar upp material från en opålitlig källa).
1. Genomsnittlig livslängd
Homo: 55 år (män)
Hetero: 75 år (män)
2. Missbruk av illegala droger
Homo: större
Hetero: mindre
3. Självmordsfrekvens
Hetero: 17.6 (per 100K/år)
Homo: större än ovan
4. Frekvens av pedofili
Homo: >3
Hetero: 1
5. Könssjukdomar
Homo: större
Hetero: mindre
6. Trohet mot sin partner
Homo: mindre
Hetero: större
7. Social acceptans
Homo: mindre
Hetero: större
8. Fokusering på perverst sex
Homo: större
Hetero: mindre
9. Rektala problem
Homo: större
Hetero: mindre
NOTERING: Perverst sex i p.8 syftar på sex som varken är vaginalt samlag eller förspel. Sex ur vetenskaplig synpunkt är det som ligger inom ramen för sexualitetens uppgift, d v s det som kan leda till befruktning, och det är bara vaginalt samlag (penis i vagina) och förspel (förspelet behövs för upphetsning och utsöndring av försats). Allt övrigt sex är perverst enligt ordets etymologiska definition.
I vår bevisföring behöver vi enbart punkterna 5 och 9. Könssjukdomar och rektala problem. Det förra vet vi vad det handlar om. Homosexuella är kraftigt överrepresenterade när det gäller hiv, aids, kondylom, klamydia, syfilis och i praktiken allt vad könssjukdom och könssmitta heter. Inga kommentarer behövs.
Det andra syftar på muskelförslappning som bögar får efter regelbundet analsex. Analen är inte skapad för att stoppa saker i den. Ingen försats utsöndras där bak, naturen har inte gjort människans kropp för analsex, och trots att analsex förekommit sedan många tusen år tillbaka (källa: RFSL) har naturen aldrig anpassat analen för penetration (i och för sig ett bra bevis på att naturen inte ser analsex som någon acceptabel variation på sex).
Analsex leder alltså till muskelförslappning och rektala problem.
Javisst, heteros har analsex också, men de har det i en avsevärt mindre omfattning, muskelförslappning är visserligen ett sällsynt fenomen, och de känner inget tvång att sexa analt. Analsex är således inte typiskt för heterorelationer. Problemet handlar ytterst om inre tvång. Homosexuella känner det, därför stoppar de kukar i analen. Därmed säger vi att analsex är typiskt för bögrelationer, bögarna har inget val, vill de ha samlag är de tvungna att imitera det genom analsex. Inre tvång.
Alltså, homosexuellt leverne ökar risken för könssjukdomar medan analsex skadar hälsan genom rektala problem. Därför skall homosexualitet, i sin egenskap av orsaken till detta leverne och detta inre tvång, betraktas som patologisk avvikelse. Störning.
3. Homosexualitet skadar psyket: det sociala perspektivet
Samma tabell från Emaso visar att homosexualitet skadar psyket.
Vi behöver egentligen bara två punkter: Självmordsfrekvensen och Pedofili.
Det förra visar att homosexualitet, trots att den inte är en psykisk åkomma som sådan, leder till grava psykiska och mentala problem. Det andra är ännu klarare. Pedofili är ju fortfarande en psykisk störning, eller hur? Genom att öka risken för psykiska besvär och störningar skadar homosexualitet psyket.
Ett par ord om kritiken mot Emasos tabell. Vissa menar att den är mindre värd eftersom den är selektiv. Vad kan man svara den kritiken? För det första, om homos har hälsofördelar framför heteros vill jag gärna höra vilka dessa är. Det finns ju inga. För det andra, här kommer en rolig parallell: vissa tumörer i hjärnan sägs öka intelligens och skärpa sinnena (bara komma ihåg filmen Fenomen med John Travolta från 1996), men vi betraktar ju inte hjärntumörer som något gott, hälsovänligt och friskt på grund av det.
Vissa kritiker påpekar också tabellpunkternas relativitet. Att det ena är sjukare än det andra innebär inte att detta ena är sjukt i sig. Bra exempel: kvinnor generellt har lägre IQ än män. Skillnaden är ca 5%, den är bevisad och har sin förklaring i biologin och evolutionsrollerna. Vi i Sverige noterar fenomenet varje år när vi analyserar högskoleprovsresultaten, kvinnor gör sämre ifrån sig, år efter år. Alltså, om vi antar att IQ är ett giltigt mått på intelligens, så är kvinnor mindre intelligenta än män. Men det betyder inte att kvinnor är ointelligenta. Dummare betyder inte dum. Fallgropen med att dra slutsatser av relativa jämförelser.
Till synes korrekt kritik men den håller inte i fallet med tabellen ovan. Vi ser ju många punkter med absolut jämförelse. Och i fallet med de 2 punkterna i vår bevisföring, självmordsfrekvensen och pedofili, handlar det om en markant avvikelse från genomsnittet.
I fallet med Folkhälsoinstitutets senaste rapport påstår man i svenska massmedier att boven är diskrimineringen och den s k homofobin. Det är inte homosexualitet som skadar hälsan utan samhällets attityd mot den, menar man. Vilket det inte finns minsta stöd för i själva undersökningen. Ladda ner och kolla! Det framgår ingenstans att homosexuellas psykiska problem orsakas av diskrimineringen eller samhällets kritik mot homosexualitet. Men faktumet kvarstår: homosexuellas psyke är i mycket sämre skick än heterosexuellas.
Slutsats: Homosexualitet skadar psyket, alternativt gör psyket mindre immun mot livets diverse belastningar. Därför är homosexualitet en patologisk form av sexualitet. Störning.
Var och en av de 3 punkterna ovan bevisar att homosexualitet är störning. Samtliga tre tillsammans lämnar saken utan minsta tvivel.
Rota gärna själv i olika källor (primära!), finkamma nätet på oberoende info om homosexualitet, var kritisk mot vad RFSL och andra homoorganisationer påstår, fundera varför de säger det de säger - och då kan du med fördel bilda dig en egen uppfattning om homosexualitet!
Följande vetenskapliga källor har använts, antingen från original eller i svensk översättning:
1) Simon LeVay, "A Difference in Hypothalamic Structure Between Heterosexual and Homosexual Men," Science, 253: 1034 (August 1991)
2) J. Michael Bailey and Richard C. Pillard, "A Genetic Study of Male Sexual Orientation," Archives of General Psychiatry, 48: 1089 (December 1991)
3) Dean H. Hamer, et al., "A Linkage Between DNA Markers on the X Chromosome and Male Sexual Orientation," Science 261 (1993): 325
4) William Byne and Bruce Parsons, "Human Sexual Orientation: The Biologic Theories Reappraised," Archives of General Psychiatry, 50 (March 1993): 228, 236
5) Stanton L. Jones and Mark A Yarhouse, Ex-gays? A Longitudinal Study of Religiously Mediated Change in Sexual Orientation (Downers Grove, Ill.: IVP Academic, 2007), p. 124; summarizing findings of: J. Michael Bailey, Michael P. Dunne, and Nicholas G. Martin, "Genetic and environmental influences on sexual orientation and its correlates in an Australian twin sample," Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 78(3), March 2000, 524-536
6) Peter S. Bearman and Hannah Brückner, "Opposite-Sex Twins and Adolescent Same-Sex Attraction," American Journal of Sociology Vol. 107, No. 5, (March 2002), 1179-1205
“After many years of intense research, a genetic component to homosexual desires has not been discovered. Twin studies show that identical twins do not consistently have the same sexual orientation. In fact, genetics probably explains very little about homosexual desires. How would a homosexual “gene” be passed on? Homosexuals don’t pass on anything because they don’t reproduce. The human genome project found no such gene. Then figure out how such a destructive and non productive gene would survive through thousands of generations. Second, the “born-that-way” claim is an argument from design” since God designed me with these desires, I ought to act on them.” But the people who say this overlook something more obvious they were also born with a specific gender. This raises the question: Why are you following your desires but not your gender? After all, we’re not sure if your desires were designed or the result of your upbringing, but we are certain that your anatomy is designed. So why not follow your anatomy rather than your desires? Ignoring your desires may be uncomfortable, but ignoring the natural design of your body is often fatal.Even IF desires are not a choice, sexual behavior always is. So even if a person honestly believes that he’s been born with homosexual desires, he is certainly capable of controlling his sexual behavior. If you claim that he is not—that sexual behavior is somehow uncontrollable—then you have made the absurd contention that no one can be morally responsible for any sexual crime, including rape, incest, and child molestation.” "IF you are born with a genetic predisposition to alcohol, does that mean God wants you to be an alcoholic? If someone has a genetic attraction to children, does that mean God wants you to be a pedophile? (According to pedophiles it does!) What homosexual activist would say that a genetic predisposition to anger justifies gay-bashing? (Born gay? What if the gay basher was born mean?) "
- Frank Turek
The homosexual agenda includes desensitizing the public:
"The first order of business is desensitization of the American public concerning gays and gay rights.....To desensitize the public is to help it view homosexuality with indifference instead of with keen emotion. Ideally, we would have straights register differences in sexual preferences the way they register different tastes for ice cream or sports games....At least in the beginning, we are seeking public desensitization and nothing more. We do not need and cannot expect a full 'appreciation' or 'understanding' of homosexuality from the average American. You can forget about trying to persuade the masses that homosexuality is a good thing. But if only you can get them to think that it is just another thing...then your battle for legal and social rights is virtually won".
• Part of the homosexual agenda is to get the public to affirm their filthy lifestyle, as one homosexual admitted in the October 1987 homosexual rally on Washington: "We are no longer seeking just a right to privacy and a protection from wrong. We also have a right -- as heterosexual Americans already have -- to see government and society affirm our lives".
• Part of the homosexual agenda is to turn people from Christianity: "The teaching that only male-female sexual activity within the bounds and constraints of marriage is the only acceptable form should be reason enough for any homosexual to denounce the Christian religion".
"Writing in their 1989 gay manifesto, After the Ball, Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen, Ph.D., offered the homosexual community the following strategy: “In the early stages of the campaign, the public should not be shocked and repelled by premature exposure to homosexualbehavior itself. Instead, the imagery of sex per se should be downplayed, and the issue of gay rights reduced, as far as possible, to an abstract social question"
"Notice that homosexual activists cleverly avoid the real issue. When speaking of homosexuality, they always talk about rights rather than acts. They know they won’t win if they describe the acts that they want us to endorse through government-backed same-sex marriage. Since a majority of Americans find such acts unnatural, immoral, and repulsive, and have NO benefits to society. Homosexual activists hide the real truth about what they do behind the word “rights” because no one can be against that.
This language manipulation extends to other terms they use (such as “gay” and “pride”) and is a common propaganda technique used by radical abortion rights proponents as well. It’s too difficult to advocate child dismemberment, so partial-birth abortion advocates talk about “choice.” We should ask the manipulators the following: “A right to choose what?” and “A right to do what?” They won’t call it what it is because the naked truth would hurt their case with most Americans."
Since those words were penned in the late 80s, gay activists have been extremely successful at instituting Kirk and Madsen’s advise. In large part, the legitimization of homosexuality has been achieved through efforts that conceal the realities of homosexual sex behind the rhetoric of civil rights, such as the enactment of special rights laws, “safe” school initiatives, and the positive portrayal of gays and lesbians in the media. The message the public consistently hears is that homosexuality is normal, and that homosexual acts are one aspect of the myriad of ways that human beings relate sexually.
Yes THE BIGGEST LIE in the homosexual agenda is "our behaviors are not different from yours,"
Let's look deeper into "normal" behaviors of homosexuals.
Anal Sex. Although it is certainly not exclusive to homosexuals, anal sex has a long history of association with male homosexual activity, and is considered one of the highest risk sexual behaviors for both men and women. According to the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association (GLMA), “a significant percentage of MSMs—as many as one in three—have some incidence of unprotected anal sex.”
According to a 2000-2002 study of HIV-positive MSM in 16 states, 30 percent of sexually active MSM reported engaging exclusively in oral sex, and 13 percent reported engaging exclusively in anal sex at their last sexual encounter, while 55 percent reported both behaviors. Overall, 40 percent reported insertive anal intercourse at their last sexual encounter.
Multiple Partners. Homosexuality is also associated with a higher number of lifetime sexual partners, which puts both men and women at an increased risk of disease. A 1995 Massachusetts Youth Risk Behavioral Surveillance found that gay, lesbian, and bisexual orientation was associated with having sexual intercourse before age 13, having four or more sexual partners in a lifetime, and experiencing sexual contact against their will.
MSM enrolled in a study published in the American Journal of Public Health in 2003 reported a median number of seven male sex partners over the previous six months, with 42.2 percent reporting 10 or more male partners. A 1997 study of young gay and bisexual men found that 91 percent reported an average of 43 male sexual partners in their lifetime.
• Barebacking. A June 2006 article in the homosexual newspaper, The Washington Blade, examined the popularity of “barebacking” (anal sex without a condom) among some MSM. Barebacking is popular at gay circuit parties, which are weekend-long dance events for gay and bisexual men, where drugs and sex are prevalent. One study of MSM attending gay circuit-parties published in 2005 found that 29 percent reported multiple sexual partners over the weekend, with 47 percent of these reporting anal sex without a condom. A six-city study of homosexual men published in the American Journal of Public Healthin 2003 found that 48.0 percent reported unprotected receptive anal sex, and 54.9 percent reported unprotected insertive anal sex.
• Bug chasing. Another disturbing phenomenon among some MSM involves HIV-negative MSM who actively seek HIV infection by engaging in high-risk sexual activities with infected male partners. A 2003 Rolling Stone article brought national attention to “bug-chasing,” which the article described as “an intricate underground world that has sprouted, driven almost completely by the Internet, in which men who want to be infected with HIV get together with those willing to infect them.” Carlos, a “bug chaser” who claimed to have had several hundred sexual partners and said he regularly had sex with three or four HIV-positive men a week, told Rolling Stone, “I know what the risks are…But I think it turns the other guy on to know that I’m negative and that they’re bringing me into the brotherhood. That gets me off, too.”
• Party Drugs. The use of various party drugs, such as methamphetamine (or “crystal meth”), is also on the rise among some MSM. Crystal meth is a highly addictive drug that affects the central nervous system and can be smoked, snorted, orally ingested, injected or used rectally. Meth use among MSM is such a growing problem that in 2006, the GLMA conducted its own study of the issue, concluding that “approximately 10 to 20 percent of gay men” reported meth use in the past six months, which is at least 10 times higher than the rate among the general population. The GLMA study found that 36 percent of MSM attending circuit parties reported using meth, as well as 28 percent of MSM ages 15-22 in major urban areas. According to the CDC, drugs like meth “may be used to decrease social inhibitions and enhance sexual experiences” and “are strongly associated with risky sexual practices among MSM.”
It is generally assumed that female homosexuality is less risky than male homosexuality. Although it is true that MSM experience significantly more physical health risks than women who onlyhave sex with women, lesbians are not immune to STDs and experience other health concerns that are worthy of note.
STDs. According to the CDC, there is little data available on the risk of STD transmission during female-to-female sexual activity.[xl] This may be due in part to the fact that the majority of lesbians have also had sex with men, which greatly increases their STD risk. The CDC reports that 53 percent to 99 percent of lesbians have had sex with men and “might continue to” have sex with men in the future. Compounding the risk is the fact that some lesbians who have sex with men also engage in other high-risk behaviors, such as sex with MSM, injection drug use, and exchange of sex for drugs or money Lesbians who only have sex with other women are still at risk for certain STDs. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), “lesbian women can transmit STDs to each other through skin-to-skin contact, mucosa contact, vaginal fluids, and menstrual blood,” as well as through the sharing of sex toys. Common STDs that can be passed between lesbians include: Bacterial vaginosis (BV); HPV, Trichomoniasis, Herpes; and syphilis. BV is more common in lesbian and bisexual women than in heterosexual women.
"Cancer Risks. Certain cancers are more common among lesbians, specifically breast cancer and various gynecological cancers (uterine, cervical, endometrial and ovarian). According to the DHHS, factors that may increase the cancer risk among lesbians include: the fact that lesbians are generally less likely to bear children, and higher rates of alcohol use and obesity among lesbians."
"Although homosexuality is presented to society as a healthy—and sometimes even superior—alternative to heterosexuality, the truth is that homosexual behavior represents a serious threat to individual and public health. Homosexuality, particularly among males, is associated with dangerous behaviors and increased rates of disease ranging from certain cancers to a long list of STDs, including HIV/AIDS. As recent studies show, many homosexuals continue to engage in high-risk behaviors that ignore the very real consequences to their health and the health of others. The public deserves honest information about the sexual realities of the homosexual lifestyle and the serious health risks that come with it."
Alysse ElHage is the a senior research associate with the North Carolina Family Policy Council.
Sources: "The Overhauling of Straight America." Guide Magazine. November, 1987. United States Congressional Record, June 29, 1989, Advocate, 1985. Freeman, Geoffery, “Bug Chasers: The men who long to be HIV+,” Rolling Stone magazine, February 6, 2003. GLMA, Breaking the Grip: Treating Crystal Methamphetamine Addiction Among Gay and Bisexual Men, November 2006, pg. i (executive summary). CDC, “HIV/AIDS Among Men Who Have Sex With Men,” CDC HIV/AIDS Fact Sheet, May 2007.Gay and Lesbian Medical Association, “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Health: Findings and Concerns,” Journal of the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association, Vol. 4, no. 3 (2000), pg.114. CDC, “High-Risk Sexual Behavior by HIV-Positive Men Who Have Sex With Men—16 sites, United States, 2000-2002,” MMWR Weekly, v. 53, no. 38, pgs. 891-894 (Oct. 2004). R. Garofalo et al., “The Association Between Health Risk Behaviors and Sexual Orientation Among a School-based Sample of Adolescents,” Pediatrics, 101 (1998): pgs. 895-902. Cited in: Meeker, Meg, MD. Epidemic: How Teen Sex is Killing Our Kids, pg. 153. Koblin, et. al., “High-Risk Behaviors Among Men Who Have Sex With Men in Six U.S. Cities: Baseline Data from the EXPLORE Study,” American Journal of Public Health, June 2003, vol. 93, no. 6, pg. 928. Seage, George, Kenneth Mayer MD), et. al., “HIV and Hepatitis B Infection and Risk Behavior in Young Gay and Bisexual Men,” Public Health Reports, v. 112 (2) March-April 1997, pg. 161. Meeker, Meg, MD, “High-Risk Sex,” Epidemic: How Teen Sex is Killing Our Kids, Regnery Publishing, Washington, DC: 2002, pgs. 152.Klamecki, Bernard J. “Medical Perspective of the Homosexual Issue,” The Crisis of Homosexuality, Ed. J. Isamu Yamamoto, Christianity Today Publisher, 1990. See also: Medical Institute for Sexual Health, Health Implications Associated with Homosexuality, A Monograph, 1999, pg. 57.Op. Cit. Medical Institute, pg. 55-56. GLMA, “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Health: Findings and Concerns,” Journal of the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association, Vol. 4, no. 3 (2000), pg.111. American Cancer Society, “What are the risks of anal cancer,” All About Anal Cancer, www.cancer.org. GLMA, “Ten Things Gay Men Should Discuss With Their Health Care Providers,” at www.glma.org. http://www.ncfamily.org/FNC/0707S3.html
2% of U.S. population is gay yet it accounts for 61% of HIV infection: "Men who have sex with men [MSM] remain the group most heavily affected by new HIV infections. While the CDC estimates that MSM represent only 2 percent of the U.S. population, they accounted for the majority (61 percent; 29,300) of all new HIV infections in 2009. Young MSM (ages 13 to 29) were most severely affected, representing more than one quarter of all new HIV infections nationally (27 percent; 12,900 in 2009)." (Center for Disease Control, cdc.gov/nchhstp/newsroom/HIVIncidencePressRelease.html)
"A recent CDC study found that in 2008 one in five (19%) MSM in 21 major US cities were infected with HIV, and nearly half (44%) were unaware of their infection." ( http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/topics/msm/index.htm ).
25% of HIV infected in U.K. unaware of their infection: "Of the estimated 86,500 people living with HIV in the United Kingdom, about 25 percent are not aware they are infected, the Health Protection Agency said recently." (The Body, thebody.com/content/art59714.html)
Clearly, the disease statistics related to a homosexual lifestyle prove that such a lifestyle is harmful not only to themselves, but also to others, especially when you note that in both the U.S. and U.K. large percentages of HIV infected people don't know they are infected. This is a danger to society since it supports the spread of disease on a large scale.
Financial Impact
$12.1 Billion annual cost in US:
"Future treatment for the 40,000 people infected with HIV in the United States every year will cost $12.1 billion annually, a new study showed."
$1.5 Billion Cost for 2001 in Canada:
"June 2001, Halifax, Nova Scotia— HIV/AIDS cost Canadians more than $2 billion in 1999 in direct and indirect costs. Health care costs accounted for about $560 million; prevention, research and supports to AIDS victims for about $40 million; and lost economic production due to premature death and disability for nearly $1.5 billion."
The financial drain on society due to the medical
costs of HIV is huge. The greater the impact, the more damage it does to the society's financial stability.
Mental Health
How is the mental health of homosexuals and lesbians? Does it have the same bell-curve as the rest of society? No, it does not. Take a look at these statistics and note that the mental health issues are not due to social pressure and rejection by the majority of society who considers homosexuality to be aberrant.
"...homosexuals are about 50% more likely to suffer from depression and engage in substance abuse than the rest of the population, reports Health24.com....the risk of suicide jumped over 200% if an individual had engaged in a homosexual lifestyle...the lifespan of a homosexual is on average 24 years shorter than that of a heterosexual...While the Health 24 article suggested that homosexuals may be pushed to substance abuse and suicide because of anti-homosexual cultural and family pressures, empirical tests have shown that there is no difference in homosexual health risk depending on the level of tolerance in a particular environment. Homosexuals in the United States and Denmark - the latter of which is acknowledged to be highly tolerant of homosexuality - both die on average in their early 50's, or in their 40's if AIDS is the cause of death. The average age for all residents in either country ranges from the mid-to-upper-70s." (onenewsnow.com/Culture/Default.aspx?id=255614)
73% of the psychiatrists in the American Psychiatric Association who responded to a survey by Harold I. Lief said that they thought that homosexual men are less happy than others. 70% percent said they believed that the homosexuals' problems were due more to personal conflicts than to social stigmatization. Study by Harold I. Lief, Sexual Survey Number 4: Current Thinking on Homosexuality, Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality 2 (1977), pp.110- 111 (Cited in Growing Up Straight by George A. Reker)." (exodusglobalalliance.org/ishomosexualityhealthyp60.php)
Sexual Molestation
Higher sexual molestation with homosexual parents: “A disproportionate percentage — 29 percent — of the adult children of homosexual parents had been specifically subjected to sexual molestation by that homosexual parent, compared to only 0.6 percent of adult children of heterosexual parents having reported sexual relations with their parent. … Having a homosexual parent(s) appears to increase the risk of incest with a parent by a factor of about 50.” (P. Cameron and K. Cameron, "Homosexual Parents," Adolescence 31 (1996): 772" (exodusglobalalliance.org/ishomosexualityhealthyp60.php).
Certainly, no one wants children molested by adults. (Unfortunately, pedophilia is now being pushed as another 'sexual orientation' see http://www.greeleygazette.com/press/?p=11517 ). Society needs to protect its children, not subject them to sexual pressures and molestation. However, the homosexual lifestyle clearly presents an increased threat to our children.
Sexual Promiscuity
Sexual promiscuity helps support the spread of disease. What are the promiscuity statistics of the homosexual community? Shockingly bad!
28% of homosexual men had more than 1000 partners: "Bell and Weinberg reported evidence of widespread sexual compulsion among homosexual men. 83% of the homosexual men surveyed estimated they had had sex with 50 or more partners in their lifetime, 43% estimated they had sex with 500 or more partners; 28% with 1,000 or more partners. Bell and Weinberg p 308." (exodusglobalalliance.org/ishomosexualityhealthyp60.php)
Low rate of sexual fidelity among homosexuals. "There is an extremely low rate of sexual fidelity among homosexual men as compared to married heterosexuals. Among married females 85% reported sexual fidelity. Among married men, 75.5% reported sexual fidelity. Among homosexual males in their current relationship, 4.5% reported sexual fidelity. (Sources: Laumann, The Social Organization of Sexuality, 216; McWhirter and Mattison, The Male Couple: How Relationships Develop (1984): 252-253; Wiederman, "Extramarital Sex," 170. This is extracted from http://www.frc.org/get.cfm?i=IS04C02 )
Does anyone think that such mind-blowing promiscuity is healthy for any society, especially when the homosexual community is particularly subject to HIV infection? Homosexuals are members of society, and their behavior, which is a manifestation of their "orientation," is extremely dangerous.
Death of a society
If we produce no children, our society will die. There won't be enough people to support the infrastructure, medical needs, economic development, etc. That is a fact. So, common sense would tell us that homosexuality is a danger to society since it cannot produce children to further the society.
Opening the door wide
Homosexuality is a behavior that is based, as many claim, on an orientation. What about other sexual orientations such as pedophilia, voyeurism, necrophilia, bestiality, polygamy, incest, exhibitionism, fetishes, frotterism, masochism, sadism, etc.? The arguments for and against these other "orientations" are many and we won't go into them here. But, who is to say that those who fall into these sexual categories won't use the homosexual agenda's orientation argument as a basis to further their own causes? If you think this is a ridiculous idea, then you are not aware of the fact that pedophiles are doing just that. See the article "Pedophiles want same rights as homosexuals." Muslims practice polygamy, and they are increasing in America. Mormons have practiced it in the past, and who is to say they won't get another revelation declaring that it is permissible again once the homosexual movement, and its redefinition of marriage, is ingrained in society? Incest is sure to follow; see the article "Rick Santorum was right about Incest and the Slippery Slope." The slippery slope is exactly the issue. Once sexual morays are loosed, marriage definitions and fidelity are loosened too. Nothing happens in a society by itself since their intertwining social strings have collateral effects.
So, is homosexuality dangerous to society? The facts show that it is. We have to ask, why then would it be promoted so heavily when it is so harmful? The only answer I can come up with (aside from a biblical one) is that the politically correct don't care about the facts. Instead, they want their agenda promoted. They want their sexual freedom without responsibility. They, like so many tyrants in history, want to force their minority opinion on the majority to satisfy their own appetites.
Homosexuality - More Dangerous Than Smoking
Studies have shown that years of smoking shortens the lifespan of the smoker from 1 to 7 years. But analysis of the age of death in Norway and Denmark for gays who are legally married suggests that engaging in homosexual behavior reduces the lifespan by 24 years!
So reported Drs. Paul and Kirk Cameron at the annual convention of the Eastern Psychological Association on March 23.
"What justification is there for condemning smoking and endorsing homosexuality?" asked Dr. Paul Cameron, of the Family Research Institute, a Colorado-based think tank. "Today, all across the Western world, school children are being taught the acceptability of homosexuality and the wrongness of smoking.
According to the Cameron research, married gays and lesbians lived 24 fewer years than their conventionally married counterparts.
In Denmark, the country with the longest history of gay marriage, for 1990-2002, married heterosexual men died at a median age of 74yr., while the 561 partnered gays died at an average age of 51.
In Norway, married heterosexual men died at an average age of 77 and the 31 gays at 52 yr. In Denmark, married women died at an average age of 78 yr. compared to 56 yr. for the 91 lesbians. In Norway, women married to men died at an average age of 81. v. 56 for the 6 lesbians.
"The consistency of reduced lifespan for those engaging in homosexuality is significant," said Dr. Cameron. "The same pattern of early death turned up whether we looked at obituaries in the U.S. or deaths in marriage. Given the greatly reduced lifespan for homosexuals, school children should be strongly and consistently warned about the dangers of homosexuality even more so than smoking. Those school districts which are introducing pro-gay curricula need to rethink their priorities."
Paul Cameron, Ph.D. & Kirk Cameron, Ph.D., presented "Federal Distortion Of The Homosexual Footprint." Paul Cameron, a reviewer for the British Medical Journal, the Canadian Medical Association Journal, and the Postgraduate Medical Journal, has published over 40 scientific articles on homosexuality. The EPA, is the oldest regional Psychological Association in the United States. At its Philadelphia convention members presented the latest advances in scientific work to colleagues.
1. Homosexuality promotes promiscuity.
Before 1978, pre HIV/AIDS epidemic, 75% of white homosexual males freely admitted to having over 100 plus different sexual (male) partners. This is an extremely sad truth to learn about the homosexual lifestyle. If it stopped there then it would be bad enough but it gets worse. 15% of that original 75% claim to have had more than 200 plus sexual (male) partners. 28% of that original 75% claim to have had more than 1000 plus sexual (male) partners. As you can easily see from these stats, the idea of fidelity among homosexuals is almost nonexistent.
2. Promiscuity leads to STD’s.
It does not matter if you are homosexual or heterosexual, promiscuity is an evil that brings terrible consequences. The problem with homosexuality is that practicing this lifestyle places you at a greater risk of contracting an STD. From 1986 until 1990 there was a study taken among homosexuals in their 20’s and the findings were that homosexuals who are in their 20’s have a 50% chance of being infected with HIV/AIDS by the age of 55. In San Francisco CA, the department of health has a report describing how syphilis has reached epidemic stages among homosexuals. Here is a list of STD’s that are common among homosexuals: cancer anal, Chlamydia trachomatis, Cryptosporidium, Giardia lamblia, Herpes simplex virus, Human immunodeficiency virus, Human papilloma virus, Isospora belli, Microsporidia, Gonorrhea, Viral hepatitis types B & C, and Syphilis. In the city of Seattle during the year 1999, there was a report given showing that 85% of the syphilis cases were attributed to homosexuals. Another serious disease among homosexuals is a phenomenon known as the gay bowel syndrome. I will not go into details about this disease. If you would like to research it, feel free. It is not for the weak of heart.
3. Promiscuity also causes mental problems.
Many homosexuals attribute their mental problems to the fact that they are a minority in society and that they do not have the same “rights” as everyone else. In Holland, a place homosexuality is accepted as normal, homosexuals still have a very high rate of depression (a mental illness). In fact, being homosexual puts you at risk of depression and suicide.
4. If you are a homosexual then you shorten your life by at least 20 years.
There is a proverb in Africa that says, “do not break down a fence until you know why the fence was built in the first place”. God tells us very clearly in His Word that we are to be faithful; first and foremost to Him but also to our partners in marriage. God also tells us why we should be faithful. It is for our own good, our own protection. Faithfulness is like a fence that protects us from the evils that lie outside of faithfulness. Because many have chosen not to listen to God and follow Him faithfully as a society, we all have to pay the price. The price is seen in the number of STD’s that is growing every year. Homosexuality plays a large role in this problem (along with all immorality). It is bad enough that wicked people have to pay the price for their actions but what is worse is when innocent people suffer and are at risk because of the lifestyle and choices of evil people. It is bad enough that immoral people are destroying their own lives but what is worse is the fact that they promote their lifestyle as something good for society. This is why homosexuality is evil and a danger for all of society.
Science of Gay Marriage
The Physics of Gay Marriage
“To start with, physics is one of the most fundamentals of all the sciences and I used two bar magnets in my research. A bar magnet is a horizontal magnet that has the North Pole and the South Pole and when you bring two bar magnets and you bring the North Pole together you find that the two North Poles will not attract. They will repel, that is, they will push away themselves showing that a man should not attract a man. If you bring two South Poles together you find that the two South Poles will not attract indicating that same sex marriage should not hold. A female should not attract a female as South Pole of a magnet does not attract the South Pole of a magnet. But, when you bring a North Pole of a magnet and a South Pole of a magnet they will attract because they are not the same, indicating that a man will attract a woman because of the way nature has made a female. Even in physics when you study what is called electrostatics, you found that when you rub particles together they don’t attract each other but when you rub particle in another medium they will attract each other. For example, if you use your biro and rub it on your hair, after rubbing, try to bring small pieces of paper they will attract because one is charged while the other one is not charged. But if both of them are charged they don’t attract, which means that man cannot attract another man because they are the same, and a woman should not attract a woman because they are the same. That is how I used physics to prove gay marriage wrong.
The Chemistry of Gay Marriage
“In chemistry, I used chemical reactions and we have different types of chemical reactions. We have double decomposition reaction, decomposition reaction, neutralisation reaction and reduction oxidation reaction. But in chemistry I used a simple one known as neutralisation reaction which is a reaction where an acid reacts with a base to give you salt and water. For example, when you bring surphuric acid and you reacts it with sodium hydroxide which is a base you are going to have salt and water. That tells you that the acid is a different body, the base is a different body and they will react. But if you bring an acid and you pour it on top of an acid chemistry there will be no reaction. If you bring water and pour it on top it shows that there will be no reaction. If you bring a base either sodium hydroxide and you pour it on top of a sodium hydroxide you find out that there will be reaction showing that a man on top of a man will have no reaction. A woman on top of a woman will have no reaction, that is what chemistry is showing. Even in chemistry when you also use a process called electrolysis, which is if you use electrolysis of acidilated water, that is water you drop some droplets of acid on it, you found that the negative ions will be attracted to the positive ones while the positive ions will be attracted to the negative ones. So the negative ones are not attracted to their peers, they are all attracted to the positive electrode and the positive ones are not attracted to the positive electrode. Instead, the negative ion is attracted to positive electrodes and why is it that the negative is attracted to the positive? It is because they are not the same. Likewise a man cannot be attracted to a man as negative ion is not attracted to the negative electrode instead negative ion is attracted to the positive electrode. That is what electrolysis is showing us that gay marriage is wrong in the area of chemistry.
The Biology of Gay Marriage
“In biology, I used simple experiments and I came down to a lay man. We have seen that the female of a fowl is called hen and the male of a fowl is called a cock. We have never seen where a cock is having sex with a cock and we have never seen where a hen is having sex with another. Even among lions when you go to the zoo you find out that lion does not mate with a lion instead a lion will mate with a lioness showing that a lion being a male will mate with lioness being a female. Now if animals that are of even lower creature understand so much, how come human being made in the higher image of God that is even of higher creature will be thinking of a man having sex with another and woman having sex with another woman? That shows that it’s a misnomer and when you come to real biological standard, when you see a lady you love there is what is called the follicle stimulating hormone. The follicle stimulating hormone in a man triggers what is called spermatogenesis through your brain which is called hypothalamus. It will send message to your brain when you see a lady you love and through the hypothalamus you will go after the lady. And it will trigger your spermatogenesis and the lady’s host follicles stimulating hormone will be triggered by the hypothalamus and it will stimulate her ovarian follicle.
So in the man is the spermatogenesis, in female it’s the ovarian follicle. You find out that the sperm alone does not produce a child and the ovary alone in the female does not produce a child. They need each other for reproduction to occur and the follicle stimulating hormone in the man and that of the female promote different things. The sperm in the man alone doesn’t produce a child and ovary in the female alone does not produce a child, they need each other for reproduction to occur. So that shows how biology proves that gay marriage is wrong.
The Mathematics of Gay Marriage
In mathematics which is another core area of science, I used what is called the principle of commutativity and idepotency. Commutativity in mathematics is simply the arrangement of numbers or arrangement of letters in which the way you arrange them don’t matter. For example, if you say A + B in mathematics you are going to have B + A. For example, if I say two plus three it will give five. If I start from three, I say three plus two it also give you five showing that two plus three and three plus two are commutative because they gave the same results. That shows that A + B will give you B + A, you see that there is a change. In A + B, A started the journey while in B + A, B started the journey. If we use A as a man and use B as a woman we are going to have B + A that is woman and man showing that there is a reaction. A + B reacted, they interchanged and gave us B + A showing that commutativity obeys that a man should not marry a man and a woman should not marry a woman. If you use idempotency, it’s a reaction in mathematics where A + A = A. Actually in abstract algebra, A + A =2A but we are less concerned with the numerical value two. We are more less concerned with the symbols A, you find out that A + A will give you A showing that the whole thing goes unchanged. It didn’t change unlike commutativity A + B give B + A there is a change. A started the journey in commutativity and A + B gave us B + A and B started the journey after the equality sign. But in the case of idempotency A + A will give you A showing that it goes unreacted. You started with A and you meet A ,the final result is A. Showing that a man meeting a man A + A will produce a man there is no reaction, it goes unreacted and in chemical engineering you have to send the material back to the reactor for the action to be carried out again showing that it goes unreacted. That is how mathematics has shown that gay marriage is wrong because commutativity proves that gay marriage is wrong. Idempotency also proves that gay marriage is wrong. So these are the principles I have used to prove gay marriage wrong in physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics and by the grace of God I am the only one that has proved this in the whole world.
“If you go on the Internet to check whether there is anybody who has used physics to prove gay marriage wrong, you find out there is none. You go to Google or youtube check whether there is anybody that has used chemistry to find same sex marriage wrong, you find out there is none and the same applies to biology and mathematics.
“In general, same sex marriage is evil. It should be stopped by those practicing it. Now they are saying that they will go and adopt a child, the question is that if everybody shows interest in same sex marriage where would the child they are adopting come from?”
Chibuihem Amalaha’s Commendations
And now his works have earned him the respect in the world of science. He said:
“At the University of Lagos where I currently study as a student you will find my publication on the notice board there. When you go to the Senate Building of the university you will see the same notice there and even recently my lecturer at the Department of Chemical Engineering, Profesor D.S.Aribuike pointedly told me that I will win Nobel prize one day, because he found that my works are real and nobody has done it in any part of the world. You know Nobel Prize is the highest award anyone could ever win and no African has won Nobel Prize in science. So I am aspiring to win Nobel Prize for Africa. Other universities have seen my work and sent me commendations. I have a professor friend who has seen the work I did and he sent me congratulatory message because of the originality of the work.”
Not only that, Dr. Henry Boyo, Department of Physics at UNILAG approved of him. He said: “I have known him (Stanley) for the past five years. He is a very sound guy. He is genuine in terms of his scientific discoveries. He has appeared on NTA and SilverBird televisions where he demonstrated his knowledge of science. When you talk to him, you will know that he understands what he is talking about. He is convincing.
“He conceptualised the idea of using sciences and mathematics to prove gay marriage wrong and we have worked it here. Some people make claims to religion but he went a step further to use science and mathematics to prove gay marriage wrong. He used my laboratory here (UNILAG) to carry out his researches. He is the originator of the idea, he deserves commendation and we support the idea. You can quote me anywhere, the guy’s concept is germane and it has been scientifically proven to be true.”
Chibuihem Amalaha
“I want to be able to publish it in international journals. The finance has been a problem in this area because I found out that you have to pay in dollars for international journals to publish you. You know finance is a factor and I don’t have money to start paying in US dollars and I need sponsors so that I can pay for the journals to be published.”
“I have been to the Federal Ministry of Science and Technology in Abuja and there is a lot of protocol around the minister. I must confess that seeing a minister is one of the problems we are having in this country. I could recall that University of Lagos carried out a research in Zamfara State some years ago when lead poisoning was killing people there. Could you believe a professor in UNILAG once said that they wrote to Minister of Science and Technology to give them permission to go and carry out research in Zamfara State, that was many years ago and till now they could not get reply from that minister. So these are some of the problems sometimes to reach some of these top people. You publish materials and you don’t know whether they read them or not. I had gone to the National Mathematical Centre Abuja, where I submitted a material to Professor Sam Ali who was Director General of the agency and till now I couldn’t get any reply. But Professor Oye Ibidapo Oye former Vice-Chancellor, University of Lagos is the immediate past president of Nigeria Academy of Science one of the highest scientific bodies in the country whom I took a copy of my work to and he accepted the work. He never found any error in it. I have reached other echelons in the science and technology world like Professor V.O. Ife Olunyolo a well-known engineer in Nigeria. He brought the first system engineering known in Sub-Sahara Africa at the University of Lagos. I have given him a copy of my work and he didn’t find it wrong. I have never seen anybody who condemned my work.”
“Nigerian sector does not encourage scientific research so much but what God has given me I am using it effectively to touch Nigerian nation. All the scientific researches I have been doing have not yielded any encouragement to do more.
Speaking about his ambition, Amalaha after taking a deep breath said “My ambition is to go beyond the sky. I want to reach the level God has destined me to reach. I want to be the first African to win Nobel Prize in science because as I am talking to you now African has ever won Nobel Prize in science.''
- Chibuihem Amalaha
men nu finns det ju folk som tänder på folk av samma kön ändå assåhallå och vadå moral
Kan inte du typ möta dina egna demoner med professionell hjälp?
Oj vad jag inte orkar scrolla upp för att citera någonting, men snälla nån, har du inget bättre för dig än att slänga ihop ett jätteinlägg av bigott nonsens? Sluta bry dig om andra och ägna dig åt lite självutveckling istället.
Fel är subjetktivt. Det finns homosexualitet ute i naturen, dina argument är bara sinnessjuka. Varför bryr du dig ens om det är rätt/fel.
ska läsa varenda ord o kommentera
vilken jävla sörja.
"hej jag svarar i tråden"
isola: men nu finns det ju folk som tänder på folk av samma kön ändå assåhallå och vadå moral
nja om du läser igenom min text så framgår det väldigt klart att homosexualitet är ett VAL.
Leijonsparf: vilken jävla sörja.
Om du inte har någon konstruktiv kommentar kommentera då inte.
Patrick Så de som är homosexuella är Sjuka och mindre naturliga är det du vill försöka övertyga oss här på UM ? :O
Vilken Planet kommer du ifrån ?
Nja, det beror på vilket perspektiv du utgår ifrån. Om du utgår ifrån att det är en sjukdom så blir svaret ja. Men det finns flera perspektiv på saken och det går inte enbart att se ett utan man måste se helheten.
Om du inte har någon konstruktiv kommentar kommentera då inte.
det mest konstruktiva man kan göra med den här tråden är att ta bort den.
Hahaha, argumenten.
Zodd: Hahaha, argumenten.
Vilket av dom syftar du på? jag slår vad om att du inte ens har tagit dig tid att läsa igenom hela texten.