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Korrekturläsa - tips?



sluta få killar att göra dina läxor!



sluta få killar att göra dina läxor!

Seriöst, jag gör mina egna läxor. Jag ber bara om att få respons och försöker också se ur andras synvinklar. Man kan alltid utvecklas Martin, och det verkar som att du inte vill att jag ska göra det. Snälla, låt mig vara.[smile]

Det är på det sättet man blir duktigare, ty varför ska vi inte lära oss av våra misstag när vi vet att vi kan bli bättre? Think about that before you write, fella. Jag har lärt mig så mycket, tack vare alla som har responsläst och speciellt Divinator. Ni har lärt mig mycket och hoppas att jag kan lära mig mycket av er. Jag menar det.[love]



He thought that she may did not like him.

He thought that she might not like him


but surprisingly it was contrary.

but surprisingly it was quite to the contrary


They met each other in a dining room and Winston tried to make small movements so he could sit near her and look at her beauty. Though a young boy annoyingly is calling for Winston every time he sees him in the dining room, and that makes tougher for Winston to get closer to Julia.

Winston and Julia met eachother in a dining room (vart befinner sig detta dining room?). Winston made small movements toward Julia to gaze at her beauty, but was repeatedly interrupted by a young boy everytime he saw winston.


to avoid from

to avoid (inget 'from')


Anyway he sat down with Julia without the boy caught a sight of him.

When the boy wasn't around, winston successfully was able to seat himself by Julia.


Winston and Julia knew that they were in love with each other. It was love at the first sight. The discussion had ended with an agreement that they would meet again.

They started talking and it was love at first sight. They agreed to meet again.


Winston waited patiently on Julia, even if it took very long time for her to arrive. The first thought that cropped up into his head was that she would not show up, although he waited.

Winston waited patiently for Julia. He waited hours for her, but she didn't show up. He thought that she wouldn't come, (fortsättning under)


After couple of hours she showed up, and it was a relief for Winston. They could not come near each other though – the screens were almost everywhere.

but, to his relief, he was wrong.

They could not come near each other though – the screens were almost everywhere.

vad är det för screens som är i vägen? Hur ska man förstå det om man inte läst boken?


While I read I thought about why Winston was unfaithful with his wife Katharine.

While reading, I thought about why Winston was unfaithful to his wife, Katharine.


Does he have an unhappy marriage? Yes, he was. He wanted to get rid of her. Why did he marry her if he knew that he would be unhappy? He maybe thought he would never find a women like Katharine, though I wonder whether Winston love Julia or not. The answer may show up in the ending.

He had an unhappy marriage, unwilling to commit to her for the rest of his life. Though I do wonder if Winston actually loves Julia or not, a question which will most likely be clarified toward the end of the book.


Rent allmänt borde du läsa igenom allting ett par gånger.
Du behöver sätta ut flera punkter och komman, en engelsk mening är i regel kortare än en svensk.
Du byter mycket i tempus, kolla igenom det då detta kan leda till mycket sämre betyg.
sluta göra det så svårt för dig själv, simpelt är alltid bäst.



Winston and Julia met eachother in a dining room (vart befinner sig detta dining room?). Winston made small movements toward Julia to gaze at her beauty, but was repeatedly interrupted by a young boy everytime he saw winston.

Jag vet inte, men jag tycker inte om beskrivningen som du gjort. Ta inte illa upp, men den är inte lika spännande.


sluta göra det så svårt för dig själv, simpelt är alltid bäst.

Jag är en sådan som strävar efter att skriva lite mer avancerat. Men ska försöka minska på det. Tack. Jag ska läsa igenom resten imorgon och kommer med synpunkter.



Jag vet inte, men jag tycker inte om beskrivningen som du gjort. Ta inte illa upp, men den är inte lika spännande.

absolut, men tyvärr lät inte din bra. Vill du ha mer "spänning" får du försöka strukturera upp det hela bättre.
Dessutom har du tempus- och grammatik fel i den paragrafen.
Alla som jag har skrivit är bara förslag som
1) innehåller ren och proper engelska
2) strukturerade grammatiskt korrekt

Försök utgå från något liknande ifall du ska skriva om texten.


Jag är en sådan som strävar efter att skriva lite mer avancerat. Men ska försöka minska på det. Tack. Jag ska läsa igenom resten imorgon och kommer med synpunkter.

Ok, för att förklara vad jag menade:
Självklart ska du använda avancerad engelska, men försök inte göra det mer avancerat än vad du klarar av, för då kommer det se sämre ut än om du hade använt korrekt, enkel engelska.

På vissa ställen ser det bra ut, du har lyckats, men på vissa ställen ser det rätt illa ut, och detta är något du måste tänka på när du skriver en text.

Kom ihåg, människor kommer oftare ihåg när någon gör fel och misstag än när någon gör någonting bra och korrekt.



Kom ihåg, människor kommer oftare ihåg när någon gör fel och misstag än när någon gör någonting bra och korrekt.

Precis, det är ju det jag försöker säga. Dold text: Till Martin

Jag lär mig väldigt bra på det sättet.



Här är en annan del som jag vill ha synpunkter på.[smile]

In the chapter “The pages 53-73” third paragraph you can read about when Winston was convinced that Syme would be vaporized. His motivation to why he would be vaporized did not appear in the novel except one thing - that he was intelligent. Could that be the motivation? Yes, it could be the motivation but though I think what Winston remarked (that Syme would be vaporized) has deeper motivations. Syme had disappeared, and what or who had taken him is unknown.

Winston remembers that he was a selfish little boy in his childhood. He was a very greedy boy. Once he remembers that he had stolen a chock late piece from his sick, hungry little sister, even if he got the biggest piece he took it. Winston lived with a poor family and his father had disappeared. Anyway his mother screamed at him to come back, but he did not. Winston stood at the stairs and held the staircase at the same time so he would not fell. He starred at his mothers eyes and ran away. That was the last time Winston saw his mother and his sister as well.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sammanslagning 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The pages 177-193

Winston and Julia were at a home that was owned by a man called O’Brien. O’Brien and Winston knew each other for a long time. O’Brien had an organisation that was against the party which controls everything. Winston is a member in the party and though he is against it.

However, he and Julia became members in the organisation that was led by O’Brien. Winston and Julia sworn that they would sacrifice everything, even their lives if they had to. They agreed to sacrifice everything that they had except their relationship.

Winston received a book from O’Brien. When he opened the book he
saw the headlines: IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH and WAR IS PEACE. This is BIG BROTHER quotation. What connection does it have with the book that Winston had? The answer maybe show up in next chapter

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sammanslagning 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Idag har man varit riktigt motiverad ( Tack vare Tözen och Smisk[love]) och gjort min del idag. Jag har insett att man ibland måste ta sig i kragen och göra sina saker om man vill uppnå ett bra resultat, det finns inga genvägar. Hursomhelst så vill jag ha lite konstruktiva kritik på denna del.[smile]

OBS: Det kan bli tempusskiftningar, men de ska jag rätta till på Lördag och Söndag, enligt almanackan som jag köpt.[y]

Men jag ska läsa igenom allt på helgen och rätta till misstagen.

Most of them pages that I have read are about the war between Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia (The three super-states). Oceania is dominated by BIG BROTHER and the two-way televisions (The telescreen) dominated the private and public spaces of the populace. It is almost impossible to hide from the telescreen. After all environment description that I have read I came up with the conclusion that this book is set up in England, though I do not know which city the book is set but Oceania must be “London” in reality. But why do I picture London and not Birmingham? It could be because I have been in England and seen historical things and makes everything sound so familiar when I read the book.

During the reading I discovered the social class Oceania had. The social classes are the inner party, the outer party and the proles. Winston is a member of the outer party which means that he has more privileges than the proles.

As his parents disappeared in the civil war, the English Socialism Movement (Ingsoc in Newspeak) put him in an orphanage for training and employment in the Outer Party. His squalid existence consists of living in a one-room apartment, eating a subsistence diet of black bread and synthetic meals washed down with Victory-brand gin. He is discontented, and keeps an ill-advised journal of dissenting, negative thoughts and opinions about the Party. If the journal or Winston's errant behavior were to be discovered, it would result in his torture and execution at the hands of the Thought Police. However, he is blessed with having a small alcove beside his telescreen where he cannot be seen, where he can keep his own private secrets.

So far the book is great and I cannot wait how it ends.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sammanslagning 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Here is another part of the reading log.[smile]

The pages 228-249

Winston and Julia were sitting at the bed as they always did everyday, though this time it happened something that was unthinkable, something that they never thought it would happen. Winston and Julia were talking about the dead and in the midst of their conservation an iron voice said: you are the dead. Both of them stood up and went on each side, they realized that the screens heard them. They knew that the only thing that they feared would come one day. Today is the day.

The screen told Winston and Julia to stand in the midst of the room and stay back to back, without touching each other. Winston shook as though he never could control his movements. Julia was very shocked and silent by the thought that she would die.

The iron voice said: Here comes the candle to light you to bed, here comes a chopper to chop off your head.

The only ones that Winston had heard this rhyme from were Mr. Charrington and O’Brien; could they be the person who is talking behind the screens? It has to be one of them. Mr. Charrington was slightly curios. It could be he, because Winston is a member of the brotherhood that is led by O’Brien. Has O’Brien maybe lied about the brotherhood and is he against Winston? The answer might show up, I hope.

A glimmer of the outside came into the room with two big and black-dressed men. Winston flittered with the eyes and looked at Julia with sad eyes. He knew that this was the end. The men took Julia with them and that was the last he saw of her.



Winston seems to have found his love, Julia. He thought that she may did not like him. She did not pay attention to him at all, but surprisingly it was contrary. They met each other in a dining room and Winston tried to make small movements so he could sit near her and look at her beauty. Though a young boy annoyingly is calling for Winston every time he sees him in the dining room, and that makes tougher for Winston to get closer to Julia.

Julia is sitting there alone and the young boy whom Winston tries to avoid from like the plague is here somewhere. Anyway he sat down with Julia without the boy caught a sight of him. Winston and Julia knew that they were in love with each other. It was love at the first sight. The discussion had ended with an agreement that they would meet again.

Winston waited patiently on Julia, even if it took very long time for her to arrive. The first thought that cropped up into his head was that she would not show up, although he waited. After couple of hours she showed up, and it was a relief for Winston. They could not come near each other though – the screens were almost everywhere.

While I read I thought about why Winston was unfaithful with his wife Katharine. Does he have an unhappy marriage? Yes, he was. He wanted to get rid of her. Why did he marry her if he knew that he would be unhappy? He maybe thought he would never find a women like Katharine, though I wonder whether Winston love Julia or not. The answer may show up in the ending.

Seriöst, fick du MVG i engelska? Du formulerar dig dåligt och byter tempus.


Edward Cullen:

Seriöst, fick du MVG i engelska? Du formulerar dig dåligt och byter tempus.

Men detta är bara en kladd. Så ser den inte ut just nu. Men anledningen till att jag främst har MVG i engelska är för att jag kan prata nästan flytande.



Men detta är bara en kladd. Så ser den inte ut just nu. Men anledningen till att jag främst har MVG i engelska är för att jag kan prata nästan flytande.

I så all kan alla prata "nästan flytande". Flytande engelska pratar man endast om kommer från ett engelsktalande land, i princip. Absolut inte när man läst Eng A. Och jag ser ingen anledning till att du skulle formulera dig på ett annat sätt när du pratar än när du skriver.


Tråden låst på grund av inaktivitet
