there's people everywhere and i want to kill 'em
there's people everywhere and i want to kill 'em
there's people everywhere and i want to kill 'em
there's people everywhere and i want to kill 'em
i live in a dream of life
i live in a dream of life
i live in a dream of life
i live in a dream of life
I don't know anything or any place i belong
I don't know anything or any place i belong
I don't know anything or any place i belong
I don't know anything or any place i belong
why drink away your weekend when you can drink at work?
why drink away your weekend when you can drink at work?
why drink away your weekend when you can drink at work?
why drink away your weekend when you can drink at work?
I can throw myself under a truck
and break in two
if i wanted to
if you give me permission to
there's people everywhere and i want to kill 'em
sjöng denna låt högt i skolan idag
första gången jag "uppträder" inför folk
har haft den meningen i mitt huvud hela dagen
there's people everywhere and i want to kill 'em