ou: ello
Stranger: hi
Stranger: asl?
You: Are you Intelligent?
Stranger: indeed
You: Interesting
Stranger: indeed indeed
You: Then you should know, that neither my age, sex, nor location matters when you chat on the web
You: ?
You: It isn't relevant
You: get over it
Stranger: ok
Stranger: touche
You: Thank you
You: Now, what do you want to discuss?
You: What interests you?
Stranger: the physics of spae travel
Stranger: space*
You: Okay, that is cool
Stranger: i know right!
You: Do you mean the current, or future possibilities?
You: the current is just a matter of matter-repositioning through explosive force
Stranger: exactly
Stranger: see but the trajectory of today's crafts seem all wrong
Stranger: they seem to be on too obtuse of an angle
You: How come?
Stranger: i think if that is shortened out it would be in oribit much longer
You: Hard to do with a non-obtuse angle
You: you know would end up hitting earth itself
You: ah
You: you mean during entrance?
Stranger: i mean during penetration
You: that is correct, though I'm curoius about what this angle is between
Stranger: of the atmosphere of course
You: ah
Stranger: the angle of the craft and the atmosphere
You: yes, I see
You: INteresting
You: but since obtuse angles goes through 90-180 degrees, onw ight think you're actually talking about turning around?
You: Is that the case?
Stranger: no
Stranger: going into the atmosphere
Stranger: the craft and the atmosphere are at a 109-112 degree angle
Stranger: see
You: Ah
Stranger: if we could straighten that out
You: didn't know that
Stranger: to about 94-96 degrees
Stranger: i think it would make a world of a difference
You: But, to straighten it out, we have to build stronger, since the amount of colissions would increase
You: thus higher the friction
You: and require harder shells
Stranger: while that would be true---it would increase the amount of space we could actually travel while in space
Stranger: so it is a reward
You: How come it have that effect, I'm sure you lost me there
You: ^^
You: Discussing such things in a language that isn't your own might prove hard, sometimes
You: Do you mean that it would give us another few turns in orbit?
Stranger: see the thing is that this obtuse angle requires more energy to clear the atmosphere
You: ah!
You: I see
Stranger: if that becomes more acute that energy could be put somewhere else
You: so, instead of waste fuel on entering, you could use it to travel
Stranger: percisely!
You: The asians have come up with another technology, though
You: Not sure If you've read about it
You: They're planning to use some kind of sail-like device to accelerate the craft
You: by catching photons
Stranger: thats bullshit, sorry for the languge
You: oh?
You: How come?
You: there is no friction, mind
Stranger: sails in orbit?
You: nope, you know
You: the sails use photon, and the transferred enegry
Stranger: ah
You: instead of moving air
Stranger: i wasthinkin somethin else
Stranger: it may work
Sen dcade han. Jag hade ju roligt. Några tankar om innehållet?
Även tänkt ta chansen att föra diskussionen vidare
Om någon är intresserad.
pratade med en arg rödhårig irländare en gång, vi hade cybersex o jag sa att ja va tjej, sen körde ja klassiska: rubbing my penis. då blev han jättearg o disconnectade!!!! jag skrattade mycket. det var ganska intelligent.
Stranger: Hi
You: hey
You: ;D
Stranger: Well Hello o.o
Stranger: what's up ith the flirty smiley? xP
Stranger: with*
You: hehe dunno, asl`? 😉
Stranger: Somehow this is making me feel at unease D:
You: It isn't relevant XDD
Stranger: 17 male Denmark
Stranger: done and done
You: i know right!
Stranger: How about you Mr!
You: Are you Intelligent?
Stranger: No, I've got downsyndrome and loves trains
You: Okay, that is cool ;D
You: Now, what do you want to discuss?
Stranger: I like to smash my head into the wall too
You: How come?
Stranger: and then
Stranger: Cook my finger
Stranger: Smells good
You: thats bullshit, sorry for the languge
Stranger: Most of what I've been saying is bullshit
Stranger: : D
You: INteresting
Sen dcade han. Jag hade ju roligt. Några tankar om innehållet?
solsegel verkar lite opraktisk men det är ju möjligt med dagens teknik så visst vore det intressant.
det har satts i verket, tror jag
solsegel verkar lite opraktisk men det är ju möjligt med dagens teknik så visst vore det intressant.
You: Are you intelligent?
Stranger: hey
Stranger: yeah i am
You: how intelligent?
Stranger: i just found out i got a 2120 on my sats
You: and in what way does it show that you are intelligent?
Stranger: its an aptitude test?
Stranger: i also have a 3.99 gpa in the highest level classes my school offers
Stranger: including an A in AP US history
Stranger: and im a national merit scholar
You: 🙂 sound great
Stranger: are you intelligent?
You: depens on in what way you look at intelligent
Stranger: ok?
You: intelligent doesnt have to mean that you have the best score on tests at school
You: I mean
Stranger: true
Stranger: still
Stranger: it is a good measure of intelligence in most cases
You: the test in school?
Stranger: yeah
You: well
You: yeah, if you compare with other on the same thing
You: everyone isnt for school and doing tests
You: some are intelligent at fixing cars instead
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
snorvalp :c
snorvalp :c
Dold text: P18 kanske?
Dold text:
Hann inte så långt ju