Vad heter denna typen av ism/konstnärlig inriktning som denna man åstadkommer med?
"Sådär japanskt du vet"
"Kōrin broke away from all tradition and developed a very original and distinctive style of his own, both in painting and in the decoration of lacquer. The characteristic of this is a bold impressionism, which is expressed in few and simple highly idealized forms, with an absolute disregard for naturalism and the usual conventions"
- wikipedia
"Kōrin broke away from all tradition and developed a very original and distinctive style of his own, both in painting and in the decoration of lacquer. The characteristic of this is a bold impressionism, which is expressed in few and simple highly idealized forms, with an absolute disregard for naturalism and the usual conventions"- wikipedia
Jo, jag läste det också. Ville mest se om det fanns ett särskilt namn för det.
Och en sista: vad är ismen av dessa målningar?
Roy Lichtenstein
lichenstein är väl pop art