I en komplott som västerländska länder står bakom så stjäl man genom högteknologisk apparatur vatten från att nå kringliggande regioner genom att tvinga molnen att dumpa av sig på regn, menar irans president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Har denna mannen rätt eller har han bara fått tag på pillerburken?
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says Europe 'stealing Iran's rain'
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has accused Western countries of plotting to "cause drought" in Iran by using high tech equipment to drain the clouds of raindrops.
Moments after the Iranian president made the startling claim at the inauguration of a dam in a central province, it started to rain.
"Western countries have designed plans to cause drought in certain areas of the world, including Iran," Mr Ahmadinejad said in the city of Arak in Markazi province.
"According to reports on climate, whose accuracy has been verified, European countries are using special equipment to force clouds to dump" their water on their continent, he said.
By doing so, "they prevent rain clouds from reaching regional countries, including Iran," Mr Ahmadinejad charged.
Iran has experienced several droughts in recent years
tror att han är i lika stort behov av uppmärksamhet som Englas mamma.
Har denna mannen rätt eller har han bara fått tag på pillerburken?
Snarare förneklelse att all olja dom pumpar upp leder till klimatförändringar :p
Fniss. Den tomten är så jävla lustig.