gabba gabba hey!!!
Maharishi's Vedic Economy is based on Nature's Economy, which creates thousands of fruits from one seed.
'The means to achieve Vedic Economy is to develop Vedic Consciousness in the individual and national consciousness, so that the creativity of the people is supported by the infinite creativity of the infinite organizing power of Natural Law.
'The means to enjoy the full value of Vedic Economy is to develop Vedic Consciousness through Vedic Education, Vedic Health Care, Vedic Administration, Vedic Defence, Vedic Industry, and Vedic Agriculture. Modern economy does not fulfil this criteria, and that is why it is inefficient; it is neither stable nor satisfactory.
'Vedic Economy delivers the source of wealth—it is also the course of wealth, and the goal of wealth; it is the system of an inexhaustible economy which will maintain the freedom and sovereignty of every nation.'
Ideal India—Lighthouse of Peace on Earth (536-page publication)
OF 5:
vad tycker du är bra med denna ekonomi?
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gabba gabba hey!!!
När du skriver så i början av en tråd som handlar om ekonomi/samhället så kan det uppfattas någorlunda oseriöst.
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